#44 - Port-au-Prince: Motorcycle Sundays Take to the Skies
Port-au-Prince motorcycle Sundays go into 2nd gear, Josué Azor's photo exhibition for K2D, the Championships return, DJ au Féminin gets people dancing and security is tightened at the Champ-de-Mars
Fans of motorcycles, quads and in-line skates have been gathering around Port-au-Prince area every week for years. Thanks to the support of promoters, this Sunday rendezvous gained momentum with the participation of some of the capital's most famous DJs at an open-air party in the heights of Kenscoff. This and more in HAITI WEEKLY #42 by DÈYÈ MÒN ENFO, a collective of journalists and media professionals based in Haiti.
Summary #44
Motorcycle Sundays in Port-au-Prince: the Adrenaline Kicks up a Notch
10 years of Photography by K2D: the Sensual Look of Josué Azor
Championship Season Returns
DJ au Féminin: Changing the Rules of the Game
Music Video of the Week: You Can Do It by Job Zòn Pa Fè Moun
Increased Security Around the Champ-de-Mars
Press reviews
Motorcycle Sundays in Port-au-Prince: the Adrenaline Kicks up a Notch

For decades, thrill-seekers and motorcycle enthusiasts have gathered every Sunday at various locations around Port-au-Prince. These days, groups of motorcycle enthusiasts often gather at Delmas 41, Delmas 75, Delmas 95 or in front of the Supermax supermarket on Rue Lamarre in Pétion-Ville.

The public usually stands on the sidewalks and admires the impressive acrobatics that take place in the middle of the street, much to the delight of the merchants.

The festivities often end in Kenscoff, a little more than a 30 minute drive up the mountain. Kenscoff is almost at the top of the mountain range at the base of which lies Port-au-Prince. Almost always shrouded in fog, the air here is always about ten degrees cooler than in the capital.

In early September, a DJ and sound system set up on the lawn livened up the atmosphere in Kenscoff (above). Last Sunday, the event got even bigger when promoters - some of them motorcyclists themselves - invited some of the region's hottest DJs to perform on a new stage (below), complete with giant screen and lighting system.
Veteran DJs DJ Anthony, DJ Blast and DJ Nos took to the decks last Sunday to a crowd of several hundred. Small tented kiosks offered food and drink, while some revelers brought their own coolers to picnic on the wasteland at the base of several cell phone antennas.
Last Sunday's event, which began in the morning, finally came to an end around 8 p.m. when the crowd left the site as the rain began to fall.

Other famous DJs are expected to perform in Kenscoff next Sunday, organizers announced during the event.

10 years of Photography by K2D: the Sensual Look of Josué Azor
The first in a series of monthly exhibitions by photographers from Kolektif 2 Dimansyon (K2D), which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, was held in Port-au-Prince on Saturday, August 31.
The walls of the house in Canapé-Vert were covered with works that trace a large part of the artistic career of photographer Josué Azor, also a contributor to HAÏTI MAGAZINE.
For example, he presented a new series of three multidisciplinary works that combine his photographic work with the creation of voodoo flags, a deeply rooted tradition in Haiti (first photo). According to the artist, the project is still in its early stages. The results are already very promising.

Many K2D members were also present to sign the collective's previous publications, which were sold on site.
Championship Season Returns
The beginning of the school holidays last month also marks the start of most soccer (foutbòl) championships throughout the country.

In Cayes-Jacmel, in the South-East department, the Anba Pye Lam field in the semi-urban district of Jet-d'Eau will play host to the competing teams until the grand final in a few days.

While the Jacmel region has been completely without electricity for several years, the Jet-d'Eau area of Cayes-Jacmel benefits from daily electricity thanks to a hydroelectric plant built with the support of Hydro-Québec.
DJ au Féminin: Changing the Rules of the Game
As in many countries, Haiti’s DJ scene has traditionally been male-dominated. To redress this balance, the DJ au Féminin project offers training courses for women interested in the art of DJing, under the guidance of DJ Kemissa, probably the most active woman DJ in the country today. As part of these training courses, a first event was organized in Port-au-Prince on September 5. The Sol Scène organization is also offering similar training courses in Cap-Haïtien.

Music Video of the Week
You Can Do It - Job Zòn Pa Fè Moun ft. Salomon Lira Salil
Since its release last Tuesday, the Haitian music scene has been celebrating the music of young Job from the Zòn Pa Fè Moun Foundation. His angelic voice and committed lyrics are reminiscent of the work of B-Garmel, popular in recent years.
The images in the video may seem a little muddled at times, but the story it tells will leave no one indifferent. It evokes the difficult journey of a woman who finds herself on the streets, rejected by her loved ones.
Zòn Pa Fè Moun was founded by the Protestant leader Frè Luckson, who is also known for his musical successes promoting the word of Jesus. The foundation takes in street children without families and helps some of them to produce music.
Job is one of the young people taken in by this foundation. A month ago he released his first song about his disability (Andikap pa yon defo), and this week he exploded views and shares with this moving new song about courage in the face of adversity.
Tightened Security Around the Champ-de-Mars

Police, army and multinational forces have incresed their presence around the Champ-de-Mars in recent weeks. Daily patrols appear to be aimed at establishing a stranglehold to prevent attacks.

Haiti's Prime Minister, Garry Conille, even took the opportunity on Friday to walk briefly in front of the army headquarters, where he now has an office, and then a few minutes later near the Plaza Hotel. He was accompanied by the Minister of Public Works and a large security team.

Life has resumed a little in the neighborhoods that are still free, while the conflicts seem to be shifting to the areas controlled by armed criminal groups. After several months of calm, in recent weeks numerous shots have been heard at night from the center of the city. The armored vehicles of the international intervention force and the police now patrol 24 hours a day, which was not always the case before the successive deliveries of new armored vehicles ordered last year.
AlterPresse | Haiti-Criminality: Tensions and gunfire persist in downtown Port-au-Prince - AlterPresse
Champ de Mars, field of war - Métropole
Multiple law enforcement interventions - Métropole
New police operations hailed by members of the public - Le National
34 armored vehicles already delivered by the U.S. to fight gangs - Le National

Several districts in lower Delmas and Bel-Air remain under tension, with armored vehicles patrolling some of the main arteries in the area. Interventions are also being organized from the Solino district down to the lower part of the city. So far, no neighborhood has been completely taken over, but it seems that the pressure has shifted.

Meanwhile, in Cité-Soleil, a game between two neighborhood teams led by close allies of Jimmy Cherizier degenerated into conflict over a disputed goal. In recent days, a number of key figures in this city on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince have reportedly been trying to find common ground for a truce between these two historic allies, despite several injuries and at least one death.
Violence erupts in the commune of Cité Soleil - METROPOLE
Cité Soleil: Controversial Penalty Triggers Another Gang War - Le Nouvelliste
AlterPresse | Haiti-Violence: Several families flee Cité Soleil, due to clashes between rival gangs - AlterPresse
Haiti - The second leader of Simon Pelé's gang, John ainsi connu, killed in violent clashes - L’exclusivité

At A Glance : Shelo Pleb and His Band in Concert in Port-au-Prince
The man of letters, slammer and rapper Shelo Pleb, accompagnied by seven musicians, including two background singers, offered a unique concert last Thursday in the hall of the Institut français de Port-au-Prince. With razor-sharp verve, he evoked the pains and loves of his life and country in magnificent Creole poetry. Many of his stirring, tender songs were sung in chorus by an enthusiastic audience.

Photojournalists: Francillon Laguerre, Sonson Thelusma, Andoo Lafond, Milot Andris, Patrick Payin
Editorial board: Etienne Côté-Paluck, Jean Elie Fortiné, Jean-Paul Saint-Fleur
Interns: Wilky Andris, Donley Jean Simon
Special collaboration: Stéphanie Tourillon-Gingras, Mateo Fortin Lubin
Media partners: Centre à la Une, J-COM, Nord-Est Info
Institutional partners: Kay Fanm, Mouka.ht
Special thanks to the Fonds québécois pour le journalisme international (FQJI) for its support.
How Does Your Contribution Help?
Your monthly support helps to finance the production and pay the salaries of the DÈYÈ MÒN ENFO staff in the communities of Cité-Soleil, Port-au-Prince and Cayes-Jacmel. In addition, donations are regularly distributed for medical expenses, school fees and other emergencies in these communities.
Press Reviews
Press Review - Culture and Heritage
Q4rts, une manifestation artistique pour une nouvelle génération - Le National
Plongez dans l’univers explosif de 5Lan : l’album « Gouyad Daddy » qui bouleverse la scène musicale - Le National
L’artiste peintre Shneider Léon Hilaire en toute intimité à la maison Dufort - Le National
Le Groupe Médialternatif ou le pari de la technologie - Le National
Macdieunette Brutus et Yama Laurent, quand la mode et la musique haïtienne font sensation à Paris - Le Nouvelliste
Manito Nation et Kolo à la conquête de l’Europe - Le Nouvelliste
Les quatre gagnants de la première édition d’affiches du prix Dutty Boukman - Le Nouvelliste
Un projet pour restaurer la statue de Dessalines au Cap-Haïtien - Le Nouvelliste
Fedou-Petit-Goâve pour promouvoir et sauvegarder la spécialité de confiserie dous Makòs - Le Nouvelliste
Rockfam est de retour et annonce du lourd pour ses 20 ans - Le Nouvelliste
Kidnapping Inc. doublement primé au Festival Fantasia - Le Nouvelliste
Wiki Kan Ayiti à Jacmel, une initiative du groupe d'utilisateurs Wikimédia Haïti - Le Nouvelliste
Il faut sauver le centre culturel ARAKA - Le Nouvelliste
Josma Lawens, le tiktokeur qui donne le sourire - Le Nouvelliste
Press Review - Gender and Women Rights
presented by KAY FANM
Les violences sexuelles inquiètent dans l'Artibonite - AyiboPost
AlterPresse | Genre : Une hausse des cas de violences sexuelles d’avril à juin 2024 en Haïti, signale le Binuh - AlterPresse
Haïti - Insécurité : Violences sexuelles sans précédent dans les camps en Haïti - HaitiLibre.com - HaitiLibre
Haïti | L’ONU craint un « envol » des violences sexuelles contre les femmes déplacées - La Presse
Accusé de l'assassinat de son ex-petite amie, un homme est lynché à Léogâne - Le Nouvelliste
Le lycée du Cent Cinquantenaire : Entre défis et espoir pour la rentrée scolaire - Le Nouvelliste
Sexe contre kits : les gangs contrôlent des abris provisoires de Port-au-Prince - Ayibopost
AlterPresse | Haïti-Transition : Où sont les femmes ? - AlterPresse
AlterPresse | Haïti-Élections : Les mouvements de femmes annoncent Marie Rébecca Guillaume, représentante du secteur au Cep - AlterPresse
Nesesite pou entegre edikasyon seksyèl nan sistèm edikatif ayisyen an - Centre à la UNE
Ayiti/Vyòl kolektif sou timoun: Pakè Mibalè fè yon liberasyon ki sisite gwo deba - Centre à la UNE
Avaaz - ONU: stop à l'impunité des régimes qui tuent, mutilent et torturent! - Avaaz
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