# 30 - Ouanaminthe: Canal Construction Progresses, as Hopes Grow
All the news from Haiti this week: a canal that's reshaping the future. And news from Festival Quatre Chemins, Vanessa Jeudi, Mariani, Carrefour-Feuilles and Port-de-Paix.

The arrival of a concrete truck last week marked a crucial stage in the construction of the Ouanaminthe canal, which continues to blow a wind of hope across Haiti. At the center of fierce tensions with the Dominican government, this project is shaping the nation's future and fueling dreams while border crossings with the neighboring country remain closed.
This and more in HAITI WEEKLY #30 by DÈYÈ MÒN ENFO, a collective of journalists and media professionals based in Haiti. This is the weekly paid version with press review ($60 CAD/year), also offered to all subscribers free of charge for a limited time.
Words from the editor : Visa or Mastercard credit cards issued in Haiti are still very limited for online purchases. Since we plan to reserve some of our content for paid subscribers in the near future, we are offering free paid subscription to people in Haiti who request it by replying to this email with proof, such as a selfie, that they are in Haiti.
We now also accept Interac subscriptions!
Etienne Côté-Paluck
Summary #30
Ouanaminthe: a canal that redefines the future
A taste of the Festival Quatre chemins
Music video of the Week : Lakay Se Lakay by Frè Luckson
Vanessa Jeudi's voice resonates at the Centre Culturel Caraïbes
Mariani: road still sporadically blocked
Carrefour-Feuilles residents still in camps
Québec in Haiti: new $4.8 million over three years
IMMA COPA : Port-de-Paix launches its championship
Press reviews of the week
Ouanaminthe: a canal that redefines the future
The arrival of a concrete mixer truck last week has brought a new dynamic to the mouth of the Ouanaminthe canal. This new piece of heavy equipment has sped up the work considerably. The construction of this canal, which has raised both hopes in Haiti and tensions with the Dominican government, is now entering a crucial phase as activity on the site intensifies.
Until now, efforts have focused on a portable concrete mixer, but the arrival of the concrete truck has greatly accelerated the pace of work, especially at the Massacre River junction. Almost the entire country and the diaspora are behind this popular project.
200 meters from the construction site, near the Dominican border, the situation continues to cause concern. Haitian National Police officers have been stationed there since Thursday, facing the Dominican military. This presence, which has not been welcomed with open arms, has helped to calm tensions following some incidents on Tuesday involving the Dominican military.
At a meeting on Wednesday at the border between the police, the Brigade de Sécurité des Aires Protégées (BSAP) and the Dominican military, the incidents of the previous day were discussed.
On Tuesday, Haitian residents had thrown projectiles at Dominican soldiers patrolling near the border wall.
"This Tuesday, November 7, 2023, there could have been a serious incident and even death when Dominican soldiers entered on the Haitian side to carry out intimidations."
Excerpt from Be careful at the border
Editorial in Le Nouvelliste by Frantz Duval (February 7, 2023)
This area has become a point of friction because when the border wall was built two months ago, the Dominican government decided to keep a strip of land on the Haitian side of the wall for its patrols. The deployment of well-armed Dominican troops on this strip of land was perceived as a provocation, leading to demonstrations and actions to prevent traffic along the wall. BSAP agents were able to intervene. Until Thursday, they were the only representatives of the Haitian state on the ground.

Meanwhile, representatives of the three Haitian government ministries have still not shown up at the site.

Guillaume Antoinéus, a local farmer and one of the initiators of the project, told DÈYÈ MÒN ENFO in an interview: “We are not counting on the state. He insists on the importance of self-sufficiency for the success of the canal, a vital project for the Maribaroux plain, which is affected by droughts linked to climate change.”
A taste of the Festival Quatre chemins
Expropriation and violence against women were at the heart of Guy Régis Jr.'s Yon vil pou fanm [A City for Women] last Tuesday, the first poignant performance in a series of plays presented as a prelude to the Quatre chemins Festival. Jenny Cadet and Néhémie Bastien, alternating between French and Creole, brilliantly interpreted the roles of two neighbors united in adversity.

As part of the same festival, the play Dechouke lanfè sou late [Uprooting Hell on Earth], also at the Institut français of Port-au-Prince, highlighted the deplorable conditions of women in Haitian prisons. Performed by actresses who have experienced these difficult conditions, this heartrending performance highlighted the constant violation of women's rights in Haitian prisons.
The performance was staged in the center of the audience, which was arranged in a circle for the occasion, adding to the intimacy and impact. Scenes depicted female prisoners suffering violence simply for demanding basic rights such as access to food, soap and hygiene products. This intensified violence ultimately sparked their revolt.

The poster for the 20th edition of Quatre chemins Festival was recently unveiled, continuing the annual tradition of collaborating with a prominent Haitian artist. This year, Schneider L. Hilaire, recognized as one of Port-au-Prince's most talented young painters, lent his creative touch to once again transform the festival poster into a coveted collector's item. The official launch of the Quatre chemins Festival is scheduled for November 20.

Music video of the Week
Lakay Se Lakay - Frè Luckson Zòn Pa fe Moun
The latest music video by Frè Luckson, a well-known evangelical singer, skilfully blends children's songs with Afro rhythms to convey a powerful call for peace. The video is enhanced by beautiful images of Haiti, especially the Citadelle Laferrière, and supported by a call for unity among Haitians. Socially involved, Frè Luckson has also founded an organization to help children in need.
"Gentlemen with weapons, my brothers, let's open the road to Martissant, let's open Croix-des-Bouquets, let's open the road to Canaan", the refrain is repeated several times. Frè Luckson's verse calls on politicians to stop distributing weapons in poor neighborhoods. "We would live better in love", says one of the teenagers.
Vanessa Jeudi's voice resonates at the Centre Culturel Caraïbes
On November 5, singer and Afro-feminist activist Vanessa Jeudi enchanted the audience at the Centre Culturel Caraïbes in the Bas-Peu-de-Choses district of Port-au-Prince. Her performance, characterized by a voice that is both round and deep, was broadcast live on Radio Télé Caraïbes, the country's main private station, and captivated a large audience.

Mariani: road still sporadically blocked

In Mariani, near Carrefour at the southern entrance to Port-au-Prince, police and a local militia are in constant conflict with an armed criminal group. Intermittent clashes, day and night, disrupt traffic on Route Nationale #2. For the past ten days, this has significantly slowed activities at the Portail Leogane bus station.
"With this racist mentality of the Haitian leader, we can't worry too much about the areas, the neighborhoods, the territories that fall under gang control. Martissant, Croix des Bouquets, Pernier, Carrefour-Feuilles, Mariani, etc. do not exist in their dashboard. [...] The South will suffer further with Mariani under gang attack. No statement from the government. A police force ravaged by corruption, whose few efficient elements are struggling to save what can still be saved."
Excerpt from Mariani
Editorial in Le National by Gary Victor (November 8, 2023)
These assailants, once rulers of the area, had taken refuge in Gran Ravin (Martissant) after being expelled from Mariani a few months ago, losing a significant portion of the area's economic activity. Now that they know the area inside out, they are trying to reclaim their territory.
Carrefour-Feuilles residents still in camps

Although the conflicts in Carrefour-Feuilles have subsided since last September, many areas of this district remain plagued by unrest, affecting the lives of tens of thousands of residents. Many of those displaced by the clashes have sought refuge with relatives, while others have been forced to gather in public spaces. The Lycée Marie-Jeanne has become one of these shelters, where many families living in difficult conditions wait in the hope of one day finding a real home.
Our contributor Siffroy Clarens and his family would love to support some of the families near the Lycée Marie-Jeanne. Please don't hesitate to contribute.

Québec in Haiti: $4.8 million over three years
At the end of October, Lionel Carmant, a Quebec minister of Haitian descent, visited the Maison d'Haïti in Montreal with his colleague Martine Biron to announce an investment of $4.8 million over three years in various projects in Haiti, particularly in the Cap-Haïtien region. This initiative, in collaboration with organizations such as GRAHN and CECI, will focus on three key areas: support for international cooperation organizations, education and justice, with particular attention to projects benefiting women.
This investment is in addition to the Quebec government's regular annual contributions to Haiti, which amount to nearly one million dollars, divided between Québec Sans Frontières, bilateral cooperation and a climate cooperation program, Quebec's Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie confirmed to DÈYÈ MÒN ENFO. Other funds are specifically earmarked for an FAO program on adaptation to climate change in three countries, including Haiti.
"We collected all the money we had and asked ourselves: What can we do?" said Martine Biron, also a former journalist, of this commitment to Haiti.
Quebec is not part of Canada's new immigration program for Haiti, Venezuela and Colombia . Le Nouvelliste
During the press conference, questions were also asked about Quebec's decision not to participate in the Canadian government's humanitarian family reunification program. This program, designed to welcome 11,000 people from three countries in the Americas, including Haiti, will soon offer a new route to Canada for relatives of citizens or permanent residents, with the notable exception of Quebec, where most of the Canadian Haitian diaspora resides.
IMMA COPA : Port-de-Paix launches its championship
Port-de-Paix, the second largest city on the north coast of Haiti, launched a new edition of the IMMA COPA amateur soccer championship on Friday. Until December 8, the city will vibrate to the rhythm of the matches of the Port-de-Paix Football League, which welcomes the best local teams. The opening match, between Mikado FC and FC Dorcas, was marked by a symbolic free kick from the Inspector General of the Haitian National Police in Port-de-Paix. The match at Parc Capois Lamort ended in a 1-1 draw.

At A Glance - Vèvè Vodou Ayiti book launch in Montreal
After a successful launch in Cap-Haïtien on August 1, Roxane Ledan presented her book Vèvè Vodou Ayiti on November 4th at the elegant Kamuy restaurant in Montreal. Vèvè, at the heart of her book, are sacred symbols often drawn on the ground, each representing a different Vodou lwa.
The author shared with DÈYÈ MÒN ENFO her amazement at the strong interest in vodou in Montreal, noting the presence of people of various faiths in the audience: "I knew there was an interest in vodou, but I never imagined it was so important to so many people." Her book, rich in previously unpublished photos and illustrations, is the result of several years of research. Another launch event is planned for November 28 at the Maruani bookshop in Paris.
Photojournalists: Francillon Laguerre, Sonson Thelusma, Andoo Lafond, Milot Andris, Patrick Payin
Editorial board: Etienne Côté-Paluck, Jean Elie Fortiné, Jean-Paul Saint-Fleur
Interns: Wilky Andris, Donley Jean Simon
Special collaboration: Mateo Fortin Lubin, Jéthro-Claudel Pierre Jeanty, Josué Azor, Wilgens Devilas, Siffroy Clarens
Media partners: Centre à la Une, J-COM
Institutional partners: Kay Fanm, Mouka.ht
How Does Your Contribution Help?
Your monthly support helps finance production and pay DÈYÈ MÒN ENFO's collaborators in the communes of Cité-Soleil, Port-au-Prince and Cayes-Jacmel. In addition, donations are regularly distributed for medical expenses, school fees and other emergencies in these communities.
Press Reviews of the Week

Press Review - Culture and Heritage
Videyo | Nanm : yon gwoup mizikal pou valorize kilti vodou ann Ayiti - Ayibopost
Mendley Alcide : un vodouisant dévoué . Le Nouvelliste
Dany Laferrière , Gary Victor et Guy Régis Junior en lice pour le prix Fetkann Maryse Condé - Le National
Haïti devient le premier pays de la Caraïbe à intégrer le Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid . Le Nouvelliste
La fête des morts au cimetière de Port-au-Prince : entre tradition, insouciance et insécurité . Le Nouvelliste
Akademi Kreyòl retounen ak pwopozisyon pou kreyòl yonn nan lang ofisyèl nan CARICOM . Le Nouvelliste
Izolan confirme le décès du rappeur Asap Jexus. Voilà ce qu'on sait | Loop Haiti
« Chimen paradi » de Mic-O, un bouquet d’amour . Le Nouvelliste
Une exposition au Panthéon en France pour se souvenir des figures emblématiques de la lutte contre l’esclavage - Le National
iciHaïti - Cuba : 3 semaines de résidence pour 9 artistes haïtiens
Le rideau tombe sur la 5e édition du FestiThéâtreCréole à Montréal . Le Nouvelliste
Des activités culturelles et artistiques en marge de la 20e édition du festival Quatre Chemins - Le National
Rencontre avec la romancière Évelyne Trouillot . Le Nouvelliste
Press Review - Haitian-Dominican Border
AlterPresse | Haïti-RD : Fortes tensions à Ouanaminthe au vu d’un grand déploiement de militaires dominicains sur la frontière Dajabón
Dirèktè BSAP Nòdès la Pale Sou Zak Agresyon li Sibi Anba Men Popilasyon Wanament la - VOA
Révélations sur les pochettes de sang en provenance de la République Dominicaine - Ayibopost
Haïti - Fermeture des frontières : L’âge d’or de la contrebande - HaitiLibre.com
Haïti - Frontière : Le Représentant de la FAO appelle à une solution diplomatique entre la RD et Haïti - HaitiLibre.com
Plus de 200 millions de dollars de perte pour l'économie dominicaine - METROPOLE
Les chancelleries haïtienne et dominicaine veulent éviter l’escalade après les événements du 7 novembre à Ouanaminthe . Le Nouvelliste
Le chancelier haïtien s’est entretenu avec son homologue dominicain | Loop Haiti
Haïti - FLASH : Haïti envoie des renforts et des militaires pour sécuriser sa frontière - HaitiLibre.com
Haïti - FLASH Crise RD : 3 nouveaux pays fournisseurs de matériaux de construction pour Haïti - HaitiLibre.com
Le secteur de la construction trouve d'autres fournisseurs que la RD | Loop Haiti
Press Review - Ouanaminthe Canal
« Kanal la Pap Kanpe », un des plus importants mouvements de solidarité populaire d’Haïti - Ayibopost
iciHaïti - Crise du Canal : Fin de Mission de la délégation de l’OEA en Haïti
Jacques Sauveur Jean exige une révision des dossiers techniques du canal - METROPOLE
Jean André Victor fait le point sur les infrastructures d’irrigation du pays . Le Nouvelliste
Press Review - International Intervention Mission
Le ministre de l’intérieur du Kenya apporte des précisions sur la Mission multinationale de sécurité . Le Nouvelliste
Haïti: le déploiement de policiers kényans doit être financé par les pays membres de l'ONU, demande Nairobi . Le Nouvelliste
Le Kenya sollicite 241,3 millions de dollars pour diriger la mission | Loop Haiti
"Above all, the political players must surpass themselves so that Haiti ceases to be the tomb of international support missions, good intentions and achievements that fall short of the population's expectations."
Excerpt from Multinational mission takes shape, political consensus stalls
Le Nouvelliste editorial by Frantz Duval (November 10, 2023)
Press Review - Insecurity
Terminal de Varreux: les gangs imposent de nouveaux paiements aux transporteurs . Le Nouvelliste
La tension à Mariani a des conséquences sur le transport à Port-au-Prince - Le National
Popilasyon Komin Kafou Kouri Kite Kay yo Akoz Bandi Anvayi yo - VOA
iciHaïti - Mariani : Les bandits occupent la station de pompage d’eau de la DINEPA depuis 8 jours - iciHaiti.com
Les installations de la DINEPA à Mariani envahies et contrôlées par des bandits . Le Nouvelliste
Press Review - Public Safety
Press Review - Kidnapping
AlterPresse | Haïti-Criminalité : Kidnapping de 5 employés de la Cour des comptes à Laboule 12
Quid du kidnapping du secrétaire général du HCT Virginie Saint Pierre ? - L'exclusivité
Kidnapping de 5 employés, la Cour des comptes reporte toutes les audiences administratives et financières jusqu’à nouvel ordre . Le Nouvelliste
Press Review - Justice
Haïti Justice : les magistrats debout appellent à la satisfaction de leurs revendications - Le National
Le MJSP et le CSPJ annoncent la tenue des audiences pour désengorger les prisons - L'exclusivité
Assassinat du président Jovenel Moïse: Joseph Vincent, un des accusés, devrait plaider coupable . Le Nouvelliste
Justice: des dossiers importants piétinent par manque de moyens - La National
AlterPresse | Haïti-Droits humains : Le Rnddh demande de sanctionner les policiers impliqués dans la bastonnade d’un militant politique
Press Review - Gender and Women's Rights
presented by KAY FANM
Press Review - Governance
Le BINUH rejette une nouvelle transition en Haïti | Loop Haiti
Depite Ayisyano-Ameriken Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick : “Fòk Premye Minis Ariel Henry Demisyone” - VOA
Le gouvernement « attend l’élargissement du HCT » avant de se pencher sur la formation du CEP . Le Nouvelliste
Caricom : Aucune avancée après cinq jours de discussion entre les acteurs politiques . Le Nouvelliste
Quid du CEP en 2023 ? . Le Nouvelliste

Press Review - Economy
Comprendre la disparition de la plus importante compagnie de production d’œufs en Haïti - Ayibopost
AlterPresse | Criminalité : L’Apch dénonce l’imposition par les gangs armés de droits de passage partout en Haïti
Les activités économiques en berne, la BRH autorise à nouveau les institutions financières à accorder des moratoires . Le Nouvelliste
Le premier navire de commerce au port de Saint-Louis du Sud autorisé à débarquer . Le Nouvelliste
AlterPresse | Économie : Hausse, ces derniers mois, des prix des produits alimentaires sur divers marchés en Haïti, signale la Cnsa
Baisse de 2,1 % de l’ICAE global au 3e trimestre de l'exercice fiscal 2022-2023 . Le Nouvelliste
Le secteur privé veut s'engager auprès des agriculteurs - METROPOLE
Press Review - Energy
Press Review - Environment
Jean Marry Exantus présente une étude approfondie sur les populations d’oiseaux endémiques d’Haïti - Le National
Un séisme de magnitude 5.3 ressenti en Haïti, épicentre en RD | Loop Haiti

Press Review - Strikes/Demonstrations
Poursuite des manifestations en faveur du port de Saint Louis du sud - METROPOLE
EDH: les employés menacent d’observer une nouvelle grève . Le Nouvelliste
Press Review - Society
Roberson Alphonse nominé au prix RSF pour la liberté de la presse . Le Nouvelliste
Son mari policier assassiné, elle raconte ses péripéties pour élever trois enfant - Ayibopost
La mairie de Delmas lance une vaste campagne de nettoyage pour une ville plus propre - Le National
Plaine du Nord : un conflit terrien met face à face des citoyens et des autorités locales - Le National
Le Violette AC sur le toit de la Caraïbe - Le National

Press Review - Education
Rentrée scolaire timide pour les lycées Fritz Pierre Louis et Jean Jacques Dessalines - Le National
Le CEPPO réclame une synergie entre le MENFP, la Primature et les ONG pour faciliter la reprise des cours dans les écoles publiques . Le Nouvelliste
La BID approuve un programme de 44 millions de dollars destiné au renforcement du niveau éducatif en Haïti . Le Nouvelliste
Haïti signe une convention sur la reconnaissance des études, des titres et des diplômes de l’enseignement supérieur . Le Nouvelliste
Press Review - Health
Kafoufèy : Lopital Sanatoryòm nan gwo difikilte - Ayibopost
Inauguration du service d'ophtalmologie à l'hôpital universitaire Dr Aristide . Le Nouvelliste
Cas de Zombification (présumé) au Cap Haïtien : Jean Renel Senatus confirme, se basant sur les informations des autorités dans le département - L'exclusivité
Press Review - International
Appui à la PNH, sanctions, immigration, l’ambassadeur André François Giroux fait le point . Le Nouvelliste
Crise: « c’est maintenant qu’il faut s’entendre », conseille l’ambassadeur canadien . Le Nouvelliste
Nouveau programme canadien: les applications sont lancées selon Giroux | Loop Haiti
Un Haïtien arrêté aux USA pour le meurtre par balles de son ex-copine | Loop Haiti
Naomi Osaka annonce son retour en compétition - Dofen News
La BID approuve 50 millions de dollars US pour améliorer l’accès à la nourriture et aux soins de santé en Haïti - Le National
Press Review - Dominican Republic
La République Dominicaine doute qu’Haïti cherche à résoudre le conflit | Loop Haiti
Haïti - FLASH : Nouveaux prix des visas dominicains (Officiel) - HaitiLibre.com
Press Review - Migration/Travel
Les USA menacent ceux qui facilitent les voyages vers le Nicaragua | Loop Haiti
Suspension de vols: l'effet Nicaragua stoppé, agences de voyages et voyageurs dans la tourmente . Le Nouvelliste
Les déplacés de Carrefour-Feuilles réclament justice et sécurité, un an après le début des attaques - Le National