#27 - Ouanaminthe prepares for prolonged border closure
All the news from Haiti this week: Ouanaminthe prepares for extended closure. Plus, Handicap and culture, Mikaben tribute, Juno Jean-Baptiste and new conflicts in Port-au-Prince.

The northern border temporarily reopened yesterday following a recent meeting between Dominican and Haitian authorities on the border bridge, allowing Haitian traders to retrieve their goods. All indications are that the border closure will continue for several more weeks.
This and more in HAITI WEEKLY #27 by DÈYÈ MÒN ENFO, a collective of journalists and media professionals based in Haiti. This is the weekly paid version with press review ($60 CAD/year), also offered to all subscribers free of charge for a limited time.
Word from the editors: Thanks to Stéphanie Tourillon-Gingras who joins the DÈYÈ MÒN ENFO team as editor and translator of HAITI WEEKLY. Don't forget to share with your friends and family: www.haitiweekly.com.
This week, your contributions are also helping to finance sheet metal for the new home of our photojournalist trainee Donley Jean Simon in Cité-Soleil, where he lives with his mother. Their house was destroyed last year when dozens of homes were burnt down in a conflict between armed criminal groups.
We'll be taking our leave next week. Barring any major news, issue #28 will be published on October 30. Happy reading.
Etienne Côté-Paluck
Summary #27
Border: Ouanaminthe Prepares for Extended Closure
Closure of the International Fortnight Handicap & Culture
Mikaben Tribute Concert in Cap-Hatian
Tamara Suffren on Stage in Port-au-Prince
Signature Sale for Juno Jean-Baptiste's Book Launch
War Breaks Out in Downtown Port-au-Prince
Funeral Vigil for Sanba Yanmbaye at Jaden Sanba
Mass in Honor of the Missing in Seau-d'Eau
Press Reviews of the Week
Border: Ouanaminthe prepares for extended closure

Yesterday, the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic at Ouanaminthe was briefly opened, under increased surveillance. Many Haitian traders were able to access the binational market in Dajabón to retrieve their goods, blocked since the unilateral closure of the border by the Dominican Republic last September.
"For once, the State and the private sector must prove that they can work together in the interests of the population. The Dominicans are offering us the opportunity to move away from total dependence on the outside world."
Excerpt from Haiti's Response Needs to Be Reinforced by the State and the Private Business Sector
Le Nouvelliste editorial by Jean Pharès Jérôme (October 10, 2023)
However, the day was also marked by a number of irritations. Vendors at the bi-national market had to register with the Dominican authorities, including photos and fingerprints, which discouraged many of them. "I'm ready to give up my goods," one confided to our correspondent Jéthro-Claudel Pierre Jeanty.
On the Dominican side, measures were taken to prevent the owners of warehouses within the binational market from leaving with all their goods. According to a Haitian merchant, many Dominicans feared a boycott of the Dominican market by Haitians, as well as competition from a new binational market on the Haitian side, the opening of which is required by local authorities in order to reopen the border.

Journalists were also turned away at the border. This prevented them from independently verifying the damage caused by last Wednesday's fire in the Dominican market. According to eyewitnesses in Ouanaminthe, dozens of stalls, mostly Haitian, were destroyed.
"We're in the realm of slogans and mystical incantations. Imagination takes the place of reality. Our dilapidation is ignored with insane arrogance. Yet one day, we'll have to put aside our foolish pride and tackle our reality, to build real reasons to be proud".
Excerpt from Building Our Real Proudties
Le National editorial by Gary Victor (October 11, 2023)
This fire has caused great concern among Haitian merchants, who have been deprived of their goods since the border closed. Although the Dominican border was open to trade on the day of the fire, the border on the Haitian side remained closed.
Talks were held between Haitian and Dominican authorities prior to yesterday's temporary reopening. Since the border closure, such bi-national face-to-face meetings have occasionally taken place on the asphalt of the bridge over the Massacre River at the entrance to each country's respective border posts.

AlterPresse | Haiti-RD: Fire consumes several premises at Dajabón border market
Despite Ouanaminthe's economic dependence on the Dominican Republic, there seems to be growing support among the local Haitian population for the imposition of preconditions for the reopening of the border. This is due in part to the mistreatment by Dominican law enforcement officials.
As mentioned in issue #26, these conditions include access to the Dominican market for Haitian products, continuing work on the Ouanaminthe Canal, and ending measures considered abusive to Haitian citizens holding Dominican visas.
"Whether it's for the multinational force or for our relations with the Dominican Republic, the Henry government gives the impression that the reflections are not complete, the options are being sought day by day, and that there is neither a position of principle nor a solid anchoring to clear interests. In this month of October, the Haitian government is navigating by sight, as it so often does."
Excerpt from October Pitfall for Ariel Henry
Le Nouvelliste editorial by Frantz Duval (October 9, 2023)
Press Review - Ouanaminthe Canal
Nouveau conflit frontalier maritime entre Haïti et la République Dominicaine - METROPOLE
Un officiel haïtien prône la redéfinition des relations avec la République Dominicaine - METROPOLE
Vers la disparition du marché binational - METROPOLE
Le Nord-est dresse 7 conditions pour de nouvelles relations avec la RD | Loop Haiti
Prise sur la rivière Massacre : les citoyens haïtiens demeurent déterminés - Le National
Haïti n'est pas encore prêt à profiter de sa production agricole, explique le professeur Josué Louis - Le National
Crise haïtiano-dominicaine : Retour massif des Haïtiens - Le National
« La construction du canal ne va pas s’arrêter », soutient Léon Charles devant le Conseil permanent de l’OEA . Le Nouvelliste
La frontière du côté haïtien reste fermée après l'incendie à Dajabón | Loop Haiti
Pour le Sénateur de Dajabón, la RD a perdu la bataille contre Haïti | Loop Haiti
De la nécessité pour l'État haïtien d'utiliser les mesures compensatoires pour protéger les producteurs locaux . Le Nouvelliste
Comment revitaliser la production d'œufs, même en cas de réouverture des frontières entre Haïti et la République dominicaine ? . Le Nouvelliste
Yon Enjenyè Ayisyen Esplike Devyasyon ki Fèt nan Rivyè Masak la - VOA
Les Haïtiens hostiles à une réouverture de la frontière - Le National
« Le gouvernement a de grandes ambitions pour les plaines du grand Nord», révèle Michel Patrick Boisvert . Le Nouvelliste
Haïti - Contrebande : Les haïtiens continuent de s’approvisionner en produits dominicains - HaitiLibre.com
AlterPresse | Frontière Haïti-RD : Double indignation de la Chambre de commerce du Nord-est
Des Camp-Perrinois apportent leur support à la construction du canal sur la rivière Massacre . Le Nouvelliste
Fermeture des frontières haïtiano-dominicaines : le ministère du Commerce rencontre importateurs et industriels locaux . Le Nouvelliste
Rivière Massacre: le gouvernement haïtien pose ses conditions . Le Nouvelliste
Rivière Massacre: l'État haïtien toujours absent . Le Nouvelliste
Ouanaminthe: la frontière fermée par des membres de la population . Le Nouvelliste
L'Association des Industries d'Haïti (ADIH) annonce un plan pour mettre un terme à la dépendance vis-à-vis de la République dominicaine . Le Nouvelliste
Canal : l’OEA propose une mission d’experts juridiques et de l'eau | Loop Haiti
Un expert recommande l'application des normes phytosanitaires sur les produits avicoles dominicains - METROPOLE
Conflit haïtiano-dominicain : que peut faire l'OEA ? - Le National
Ayisyen ki Pèdi Machandiz nan Mache Dajabon nan Mefye yo de Esplikasyon Dominikani Bay - VOA
Incendie du marché binational de Dajabón, le président de la FACNEH préoccupé . Le Nouvelliste
La République dominicaine rouvre partiellement ses frontières, la partie haïtienne reste fermée . Le Nouvelliste
AlterPresse | Rivière Massacre : Le gouvernement dominicain annonce la réouverture de la frontière avec Haïti à des fins commerciales
Le gouvernement dominicain veut l'argent des Haïtiens . Le Nouvelliste
Haïti - Douanes : Les autorités haïtiennes brûlent 15,000 œufs dominicains à Belladère - HaitiLibre.com
Luis Abinader nomme un nouveau consul à Port-au-Prince | Loop Haiti
Closure of the International Fortnight Handicap & Culture
Yesterday, the Place Boyer in Petionville resounded with melodies as the International fortnight Handicap & Culture drew to a close.
This second and final week of celebrations brought together many artists, some with disabilities, others without disabilities or affected by albinism.

On Friday, an exhibition and sale of macramé made by women with disabilities took place at the Syla Danse Académie in Port-au-Prince.

"With these lines, I present to you the short list of actors and actresses with a long career who are still in Port-au-Prince. In spite of everything, they are still in this city to continue playing, to build characters. They play in the most difficult of times.
Excerpt from Doing Theater in Port-au-Prince Even if it Means Dying
Editorial in the magazine of the En lisant theater festival by Eliezer Guérismé (October 11, 2023)
Mikaben Tribute Concert in Cap-Hatian

Yesterday, the Place Notre-Dame in Cap-Haitian vibrated to the rhythm of a grand concert in tribute to Mikaben. A host of artists took to the stage for the event, including Lionel Benjamin, his father, as well as Mickaël Guirand, Richard Cavé, Tamara Suffren, Ti Jo Zenny, Shabba, Jean-Jean Roosvelt, Paul Beaubrun and Izolan. Mikaben, an emblematic singer, tragically left us a year ago, victim of cardiac arrest in the middle of a concert at the Palais omnisports de Paris-Bercy in France.
Music video of the week
Komanm tap ye sim pat fou? - Ori-G 95
The young rapper (and singer) Ori-G 95 sheds light on the harsh reality of the country through the eyes of a homeless person in the video for the song Komanm tap ye sim pat fou? [How would I be if I wasn't crazy?], partly shot on Place Saint-Pierre in Petionville. The song is also a critique of the living conditions and the management of public affairs by those in power. The final chorus asks: "What would it be like if we weren't crazy?”
Tamara Suffren on Stage in Port-au-Prince

Tamara Suffren sings Haiti on stage at the Institut français . Le Nouvelliste
Go and see: "Elsewhere", Tamara Suffren's concert - Le National
Signature Sale for Juno Jean-Baptiste's Book Launch

Juno Jean-Baptiste has caused quite a stir in Haitian political circles with his latest book, "Les manœuvres et les griffes - une plongée dans les secrets du parlement" [Maneuvers and claws - a dive into the secrets of parliament]. Revisiting the intrigues of Haiti's 50th legislature, the former parliamentary correspondent for the daily Le Nouvelliste (2016-2020) reveals how certain votes were influenced by quid pro quos, often of a financial nature.
"Every senator usually sees himself as a potential president of Haiti. This offers a perfect picture of confrontations, in short, fertile ground for the enterprise of little games of mischief."
- Juno Jean-Baptiste, "Les manœuvres et les griffes - une plongée dans les secrets du Parlement" (C3 Éditions, 2023)
Juno Jean Baptiste dans les secrets du Parlement . Le Nouvelliste
Une plongée intime de Juno Jean Baptiste dans les secrets de la 50e législature de la République d’Haïti . Le Nouvelliste

War Breaks Out in Downtown Port-au-Prince

As we reported in our last two issues (here and here), after just one day of gunfire, two armed groups have been glaring at each other in the heart of Port-au-Prince for the past two weeks. But by early Friday afternoon, we were hearing reports of numerous gunshots: War had broken out between the group controlling the La Saline neighborhood and its former allies in the G9 collective of armed groups. This escalation led to the interruption of classes and the paralysis of most commercial activities.
The rift within the G9 is now open. Faced with growing insecurity, many students at the Salesian Fathers and Mothers schools on boulevard Jean-Jacques-Dessalines were forced to remain indoors for two days.
The week was off to a promising start. Classes had resumed at the Lycée National de La Saline, despite the nighttime addition of concrete blocks to the roof.
But around 1:30 p.m. on Friday, a hail of bullets, some of them high-caliber, rained down on the neighborhood. Rumor had it that rival factions had taken over La Saline.
Clashes also resumed in Cite-Soleil, breaking a truce that had held for several months.
There were numerous exchanges of fire between gunmen in the Brooklyn neighborhood and those in the Boston and Belekou neighborhoods, affiliated to the G9.
Ralph Vladimir Rameau, principal of the Lycée de La Saline, has informed us that some of his school's computer equipment has been stolen. He is appealing for help, especially since the school building is currently being used as a stronghold by one of the armed groups.

Funeral Vigil for Sanba Yanmbaye at Jaden Sanba
Last Wednesday, the music world paid a final tribute to the talented percussionist Jean Michel Brutus, better known by his stage name Sanba Yanmbaye. Many music lovers and admirers gathered at Jaden Sanba, the cultural space he co-founded in Pacot, Port-au-Prince. The Foula Vodoule Rara brass band, of which he was a prominent member, provided the evening's entertainment. Throughout his career, Sanba Yanmbaye has distinguished himself by exploring Haitian Vodou rhythms and innovating with a unique approach to drumming, which he transformed into a complete drum kit, complete with pedal. His only solo album was released in 2017. In his mid-sixties, he passed away on October 3, following an illness (video: Françoise Ponticq).
Mass in Honor of the Missing in Seau-d'Eau

On Friday, at the initiative of the mayor of Seau-d'Eau, a memorial service was held in memory of the victims of an attack perpetrated by an armed criminal group last month in this commune of the Centre department. This tragic event caused the death of nearly thirty people. In addition, a recent municipal decree introduced new measures, including the permanent closure of the road linking the commune to the Arcadins coast in the neighbouring department, an area now largely under the control of armed groups.
At A Glance : Youyou in Montréal
Last Monday, at the Cabaret du Lion d'Or in Montreal, actor and visual artist Édouard Baptiste, better known under the pseudonym Youyou, gave a performance mixing poetry, stories and vodou songs in his one-man show entitled Youyou, pitit pwezi pitit vodou (Youyou, child of poetry and vodou). This show, presented by the Centre international de documentation et d'information haïtienne, caribéenne et afro-canadienne (CIDIHCA), is also due to be adapted for the stage in Port-au-Prince this fall. Youyou was recently in Canada for a project directed by Guy Régis Jr. at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa.

Photojournalists: Francillon Laguerre, Sonson Thelusma, Andoo Lafond, Milot Andris, Patrick Payin
Editorial board: Etienne Côté-Paluck, Jean Elie Fortiné, Jean-Paul Saint-Fleur
Interns: Wilky Andris, Donley Jean Simon
Special collaboration: Mateo Fortin Lubin, Jéthro-Claudel Pierre Jeanty, Sadrax Ulysse, Serondier Louisia, Françoise Ponticq, Mardianite Jean-Louis, Ketlain Difficile, Joseph Hillel, Stéphanie Tourillon-Gingras
Media partners: Centre à la Une, Nord-Est Info
Institutional partners: Kay Fanm, Mouka.ht
How Does Your Contribution Help?
Your monthly support helps finance production and pay DÈYÈ MÒN ENFO's collaborators in the communes of Cité-Soleil, Port-au-Prince and Cayes-Jacmel. In addition, donations are regularly distributed for medical expenses, school fees and other emergencies in these communities.
Press Reviews of the Week

Press Review - Culture and Heritage
Akademi Kreyòl Ayisyen soti Dezyèm Rezolisyon sou òtograf kreyòl ayisyen an . Le Nouvelliste
Sa n ap fè sur l’album Star Boy de Wid est une demande en mariage - Le National
Ochan pou twa akademisyen Akademi Kreyòl Ayisyen an - Le National
Akademi Kreyòl Ayisyen lanse mwa selebrasyon lang ak kilti kreyòl 2023 a . Le Nouvelliste
Promotion du tourisme local à travers Camp-Perrin Moto Club . Le Nouvelliste
Crise, un spectacle émouvant . Le Nouvelliste
Inauguration à Hinche du centre culturel Chavannes Jean-Baptiste . Le Nouvelliste
AYITI: Depatman Sant, yon espas rezistans andedan peyi a depi digdantan – Centre à la UNE
Espas Kreyòl ak “Cuny Haitian Studies Institute” anonse 39èm edisyon Senpozyòm Lang kreyòl Kilti ayisyen . Le Nouvelliste
Clôture en beauté de la 14e édition du festival Kont anba tonèl . Le Nouvelliste
Diplomatie culturelle : des peintres haïtiens exposent entre la Belgique, l’Espagne et le Canada - Le National
Pepe Mujica, l’enfant terrible, et Arnold Antonin . Le Nouvelliste
Ayisyen nan Savannah Rann Omaj a 'Chasè Volontè' ki te Vinn Ede Etazini Batay nan Lagè Revolisyon an - VOA
Samedi culturel à Montréal: rencontre des créateurs haïtiens dans les Ateliers authentiques - Le National
Beau concert de T-Vice en Nouvelle-Calédonie . Le Nouvelliste
"We have a long way to go to recover our soul as a people. We have a long way to go to regain the respect of our fathers. We have a long way to go before we get that taste of gall when we talk about the glorious hours of our history."
Excerpt from A Long Way to Go
Le National editorial by Gary Victor (October 14, 2023)
Press Review - International Intervention Mission
Haïti - Sécurité : Critères de recrutement pour les 1,000 policiers Kenyans - HaitiLibre.com
Le directeur de la PNH voit de l'espoir dans la force multinationale | Loop Haiti
« Les mécanismes opérationnels efficaces, essentiels à la réussite de la MMSS, restent à définir », estime le CARDH - Le National
Le secteur privé haïtien salue le vote du Conseil de sécurité autorisant le déploiement de la formation multinationale - Le National
Le Kenya prépare le déploiement de troupes en Haïti malgré des contestations politiques - Le National
Mission multinationale: Ariel Henry reçoit une délégation de l’ONU . Le Nouvelliste
Haïti - Cuba juge inutile l'intervention en Haïti - HaitiLibre.com
La justice au Kenya bloque provisoirement le déploiement de sa police en Haïti - Ayibopost
Kabinè Kenya a Apwouve Plan pou Voye Polisye Dirije Misyon Sekirite pou Ayiti a - VOA
L'Espagne annonce qu'elle va soutenir la force multinationale | Loop Haiti
Insécurité : Frantz Elbé multiplie les rencontres avec l’international | Loop Haiti
"Today, we need new paradigms to finally build this true sovereignty, which will no longer be an empty word under the seasoned pens of rhetors versed in the art of ideological and semantic confusion. To achieve this, we must first create the conditions. Accepting help from sister countries, as Haiti has done in the past, is in no way dishonorable. On the contrary! But letting our people die is unforgivable.
Excerpt from A Distressing Balance Sheet
Le National editorial by Roody Edmé (October 10, 2023)
Press Review - Insecurity
Les bandits armés ne donnent aucun répit - Le National
AlterPresse | Criminalité : 1,564 personnes tuées et plus de 900 autres enlevées de janvier à septembre 2023 en Haïti, selon le Cardh
Insécurité: augmentation alarmante des enlèvements et des homicides - Le National
Lapolis anonse li tire 3 bandi nan baz 400 Mawozo epi sezi 2 zam – Centre à la UNE
Press Review - Public Safety
Haïti - Sécurité : Vers la signature d'un protocole Homeland Security Investigations - PNH - iciHaiti.com
Haïti prépare la PNH pour l'arrivée de la Mission Multinationale de Soutien à la Sécurité - Scoop FM, 107.7
« Le gouvernement veut renforcer les forces de sécurité », selon Michel Patrick Boisvert . Le Nouvelliste
Les Forces Armées d’Haïti veulent augmenter leur effectif . Le Nouvelliste
iciHaïti - Port-de-Paix : inauguration d’une station de police et du poste de péage de Carenage (Tarifs)
Press Review - Kidnapping
"The case of the judicial system should worry us as much as the failings of the PNH. Any initiative for a lasting solution to the current crisis must take the judiciary into account."
Excerpt from Justice Must Be Part of the Solution to the Crisis
Le Nouvelliste editorial by Frantz Duval (October 12, 2023)
Press Review - Justice
Réformes judiciaires en Haïti : le RNDDH passe en revue l'année judiciaire 2022-2023 - Le National
Haïti - Sécurité : Cérémonie d'ouverture de la Prison Civile de Petit-Goâve - HaitiLibre.com
Pastè Marcorel Zidor Reponn Kestyon Jij Enstriktè Potoprens la sou Dosye Masak Kanaran an - VOA
Assassinat du président Jovenel Moïse: l’ex-sénateur John Joël Joseph plaide coupable . Le Nouvelliste
Press Review - Gender and Women's Rights
presented by KAY FANM
Journée mondiale de la Santé mentale : "Fanm Deside" préconise une attention particulière à la population - Dofen News
Journée internationale des filles : lutte contre les violences et promotion de l’autonomisation - Le National
AlterPresse | Éducation : Le Rept demande de prévenir les violences sexuelles et sexistes dans les écoles en Haïti
Se chauffer au bois augmenterait le risque de cancer du poumon chez la femme, rapporte une étude - Dofen News
Octobre Rose: Haïti se mobilise dans la lutte contre le cancer du sein - Le National
Press Review - Governance
Un budget pour redonner vie au ministère des Travaux publics . Le Nouvelliste
Le budget 2023-2024 et sa dépendance au financement externe . Le Nouvelliste
Kesner Pharel s'interroge sur la part du financement interne dans l'enveloppe budgétaire allouée aux investissements publics . Le Nouvellist
Nouvelles dispositions des douanes pour contrer les fraudeurs . Le Nouvelliste
Press Review - Economy
Michel Patrick Boisvert évoque l’inflation pour justifier l’augmentation des impôts directs et indirects . Le Nouvelliste
Installé, le nouveau conseil de la BRH s’engage à promouvoir un cadre macroéconomique et financier stable . Le Nouvelliste
Le cauchemar des jeunes entrepreneurs haïtiens en faillite - Ayibopost
"The start of the new school year should be a mere formality, but considering the multifaceted crisis facing the country, it's an event."
Excerpt from Haitian Schools Caught in a Trap
Le Nouvelliste éditorial by Jean Pharès Jérôme (October 13, 2023)

Press Review - Energy
Deux centrales électriques inaugurées dans le Nord-Est . Le Nouvelliste
La route nationale #7 bloquée à Marceline - JCOM Haiti
Press Review - Environment

Press Review - Society
Haïti - Humanitaire : L'UE a fourni 2,5 millions d'euros pour lutter contre la malnutrition infantile - HaitiLibre.com
Que devient l’organisation Religions pour la paix-Haïti ? . Le Nouvelliste
Jeux panaméricains: Une participation très coûteuse pour le COH - Le National
« Haïti est de plus en plus pénalisée par l'exode des cerveaux », déplore le politologue Mathias Devert - Le National
Press Review - Education
Education: et si on parlait des gangs dans les écoles en Haïti ? - Le National
Des lycéens gagnent les rues pour réclamer le droit à l'éducation - Le National
Le secteur universitaire fortement impacté par l'insécurité - Le National
MENFP pral rekonstui de lòt lekòl nan depatman Sid la, gras ak Japon | Loop Haiti
Press Review - Health
Autour de la santé mentale des enfants en Haïti - Le National
AYITI/ Sante: Lopital Senterèz nan vil Ench depatman Sant twouve li nan gwo difikilte pou mye pran swen pasyan yo – Centre à la UNE
"Verbal violence against a backdrop of threats rains down and sometimes wins votes or fights that turn monsters into heroes."
Excerpt from We live in a world at war
Analysis by Lyonel Trouillot in Ayibopost (October 11, 2023)
Press Review - International
Le nouvel ambassadeur du Canada remet ses Lettres de cabinet et rencontre Ariel Henry . Le Nouvelliste
Le Canada offre une voie d’accès à la résidence permanente à des Haïtiens . Le Nouvelliste
Sanctions canadiennes : Carl Braun démissionne du Groupe Unibank | Loop Haiti
Moïse Jean Charles partage « ses entretiens avec le président Vladimir Poutine » et ses démarches de coopération internationale pour Haïti . Le Nouvelliste
Press Review - Dominican Republic
AlterPresse | Haïti-RD : Beaucoup plus de vigilance sur les conditions déplorables de rapatriements des migrant-e-s haïtiens, exige le Garr