#24 - Ouanaminthe Canal: The Haitian Government Supports Its Construction
Haitian news of the week : public works in Ouanaminthe, a play on working conditions in factories, disappointment in Carrefour-Feuilles, schools don't open in Cite-Soleil, and MechansT at Juvenat

A few days after the interim Prime Minister's plea to the UN General Assembly in support of the construction of an irrigation canal on the Massacre River, the Haitian government finally offered Saturday some of its heavy equipment, including a front-end loader and dump trucks, to support the final stages.
This and more in the 24th issue of HAÏTI MAGAZINE by DÈYÈ MÒN ENFO, a collective of journalists and media professionals based in Haiti. This is a weekly issue, containing a full press review available for $60 CAD/year, but that we now offer free of charge to all subscribers for a limited time.
A word from the editors: Welcome to this first edition of HAITI WEEKLY by DÈYÈ MÒN ENFO in English! If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to reply directly to this message by e-mail.
A word of sympathy to a close member of the DÈYÈ MÒN ENFO team, who among other things took part in our report on the Saut-d'Eau festivities in HAITI WEEKLY #15. He lost a cousin following an armed attack in that region last Friday. Several of his relatives are also still in the hospital. Our most sincere condolences.
Etienne Côté-Paluck
Summary #24
Heavy MTPTC equipment arrives in Ouanaminthe
Working-class conditions criticized in a new play
Music video of the week: Poko by Steves J. Bryan
Disappointment in Carrefour-Feuilles
Schools remain closed in Cite-Soleil
A table tour: MechansT and guests at Juvenat
The week's press reviews
Heavy MTPTC Equipment Arrives in Ouanaminthe

The construction of an irrigation canal in Ouanaminthe, which is stirring up passions, received some concrete support last Saturday from the Ministry of Public Works (MTPTC). A front-end loader and several dump trucks from the Ministry were on site to support the workers, more numerous than ever, as we were able to see last Saturday.
This seems to confirm the widespread determination in Haiti to complete the canal, even though the Dominican government has unilaterally closed all its borders with Haiti since September 14 as a sign of protest. Although it flows mainly in the Dominican Republic, the Massacre river runs along the Haitian border for a few kilometers. There are currently a dozen irrigation intakes on the Dominican side of the river, but none on the 2 km in Haitian territory.
At the UN, Ariel Henry reaffirms Haiti's right to use water from the Massacre River . Le Nouvelliste

"The Ministers of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development and Public Works, Transport and Communications are completely silent. Not a word has been uttered to date."
Excerpt from Rivière Massacre: Where have the relevant ministries gone?
Editorial in Le Nouvelliste by Frantz Duval (September 18, 2023)
The river's flow has shrivelled in recent days, we're told, due to the opening of one of its upstream water intakes on the Dominican side. It had been closed for some time. Farmers in the commune of Ferrier, on the Maribaroux plain, also report that the flow of water that used to reach them from the Dominican Republic has dried up in recent days. They wonder whether this could be a deliberate move on the part of the Dominican Republic.
AlterPresse | Haïti-Rivière Massacre : The Ministry of Agriculture announces measures to support canal construction
As the borders between the two countries are blocked, it is impossible to verify this on the Dominican side.
Greater involvement
The construction of this canal took on a new dimension last week. More and more visitors of all ages are arriving from different parts of the country. Many of them are even lending a hand, helping transport materials, for example.
"We're doing this for the country."
— A volunteer canal worker
A score of engineers, agronomists and topographers are also overseeing the site, adapting, as they say, the plans already prepared by the former government of Haiti before work was halted in 2021. They also manage the enthusiasm of volunteer workers, always ready to go the extra mile.
A committee coordinates the distribution of tasks, with the help of those in charge of logistics or or evaluation. With a growing number of donations, A centralized system was also set up last week to ensure that the growing number of donations is accounted for and the money well spent on the project. Individuals have already set up pledges on crowdsourcing websites, to the tune in some cases of several thousand dollars. The compas band Nu Look also made headlines after the publication on social media of the photo of a check donation of 400,000 gourdes (CAD$3,800) signed by the band's lead singer, Arly Larivière.

"Expertise and resources are needed to ensure that the work is carried out respectful of standards, so as not to give the Dominicans an excuse to prove themselves right. The authorities concerned must do more than just make statements in support of the work."
Excerpt from President Abinader's miscalculation: the total closure of borders
Editorial in Le Nouvelliste by Jean Pharès Jérôme (September 22, 2023)
Over the entire length of the canal, some 2.5 km, the majority of the work is almost completed. Some concrete block walls still need to be raised. There are also a few more important sites to be completed at the Massacre river junction, such as cement pouring, which is already underway. Plastering of some of the block walls also still remains to be completed along the entire length of the canal.
The project management committee is also planning to build two bridges to cross the canal, including one near its junction with the Massacre River. It will be accessible by car, according to reports. The Department of Public Works' front-end loader is expected to contribute in this road construction.
Press review - Ouanaminthe Canal
Massacre River: the rag is still burning - Le National
Okay mobilizes to collect money for the people who are building the Canal - VOA
Yon Oganizasyon Dyaspora Kotize Lajan pou Achte Materyo pou Konstwi Kanal Wanament la - VOA
Massacre River: The canal work is progressing well . Le Nouvelliste
Video | Men kisa Lalwa di sou sitiyasyon Rivyè Masak la - Ayibopost
AlterPresse | Massacre River : Pohdh denounces the Dominican government's retaliatory measures against Haiti
Haitian-Dominican crisis, the head of BINUH expresses her “concerns” . Le Nouvelliste
Amnesty International calls on the Dominican State to guarantee the right to nationality for Dominicans of Haitian ancestry born before January 26, 2010 . Le Nouvelliste
RD: the first economic impacts of the border closure | Loop Haiti
Border closure: Eggs rot on Dominican farms - L'exclusivité
After closing the border with Haiti, the Dominican president raises his voice - RFI
Working Class Conditions Criticized in a New Play
The conditions of female workers in Port-au-Prince's textile factories are the focus of a new play, DO Boule [working without profits], which premiered on Friday in Port-au-Prince.
The theater company Les Ateliers Encritures is committed to researching and observing the social realities of the country. It focused this time on the textile subcontracting industry, where T-shirts are manufactured for the American and Canadian markets. Several subcontractors of the Montreal-based company Gildan, for example, are located on the grounds of the Société nationale des parcs industriels (SONAPI) in Port-au-Prince, one of the country's largest industrial parks, opposite the airport.
"This creative proposal was born of several months of research," explains Yves Marie Gustave, artistic director and actor for Les Ateliers Encritures. Between May and July 2023, testimonies and documents were compiled by a small committee, he explains, which included a journalist and a social worker.
In the play, directed by Kav-Alye Pierre, the workers' grievances - in particular their derisory wages and all-too-often exaggerated performance targets - are literally brought to life on stage.
In addition to the musicians, actresses Berlie Joseph, Daphna Remedor, Rose-Laure Robelin and Dieuvela Cherestal were featured at the Institut français de Port-au-Prince on Friday, located in the heart of the Bois-Verna district. Further dates are due to be announced shortly.

Music Video of the Week
Poko (feat. Richard Cave) - Steves J. Bryan
Like many rappers before him, Steves J. Bryan is now also trying his hand at singing. Originating from the raboday scene, he showcases an impressive compas prowess in Poko, a duet with the famous Richard Cavé from the group Kaï.
Disappointment in Carrefour-Feuilles

"I'm going to sleep peacefully at home tonight", chanted a convoy of pedestrians and motorcycles last Tuesday evening at the Dalles Market crossroad at the entrance of Carrefour-Feuilles. They claimed to have met the leader of the Grand Ravine armed group, who told them that his men had "entered", a sign that, supposedly, their assault would be over (video: Jean Elie Fortiné/DME).
Two days later, the police issued a notice asking residents not to return to Carrefour-Feuillles for the time being, explaining that their operation was not over yet. The number of shootings observed in the area has nevertheless decreased enormously over the past week.
According to reports, in recent days, the police has been busy demolishing buildings behind the Savane-Pistache Sub-police station with the help of the army's famous armoured bulldozer. These dwellings are located near the border of Martissant, a district entirely controlled by armed criminals, from where origninated this assault on Carrefour-Feuilles.
Carrefour-Feuilles and Fort-National: the ordeal of refugees at Lycée Fritz Pierre Louis - Le National
"It is increasingly urgent to fly to the rescue of the people, while the law and order forces are at their wits’ end"
Excerpt from Essential safety assistance
Editorial in Le Nouvelliste by Frantz Duval (September 19, 2023)
Schools Remain Closed in Cité-Soleil
An extra-curricular activity took place yesterday morning at the Lycée national de Cité-Soleil. Photo: Donley Jean Simon/Dèyè Mòn Enfo
For the vast majority of pupils in Cité-Soleil, school still hadn't resumed last week. Only one school seems to have opened so far. This being said, the peace brokered between armed criminal groups seemed to be holding in the streets, and even be encouraged by a coalition of gangs who has called a truce.

"Power has plenty of time to wriggle its way into the corridors of decision-making, to place its pawns, and we get to a situation where an institution that we would like to assert its independence and dedication to the interests of the nation, becomes a mere vassal of the traditional powerbrokers. Precariousness [...] increases the effectiveness of the siege of the city by the supporters of the status quo. A micmac! A cul-de-sac for which we will have to find enough intelligence and strength to get out of.
Excerpt from The dead end
Editorial in Le National by Gary Victor (September 23, 2023)
A table Tour: MechansT And Guests in Juvenat
The popular rapper MechansT gave a concert at the Juvénat Chillyard ,at the entrance of Petionville, two weeks ago. It was part of the promotional tour for his album, A table, released last July. He was joined on stage by several artists.
At A Glance : Sitotèk Exhibit by Gran Jipon
The feminist magazine Gran Jipon presented the Sitotèk exhibition in Port-au-Prince on Saturday to denounce the conditions under which abortions are performed in Haiti, where the procedure is still illegal. This event, in the Pacot district, was organized as part of a fortnight of activities surrounding International Abortion Rights Day on September 28. Several organizations in Port-au-Prince are taking part in these activities aimed at raising public awareness, among which Nègès Mawon, Marijàn, Dantò and Profamil.
The Week's Press Reviews
Press Review - Culture And Heritage

« Destin yon pent peyizan», yon fim dokimantè Sylvaince Christien nan Jakmèl . Le Nouvelliste
« Panorama des relations haïtiano-dominicaines » du Dr Georges Michel . Le Nouvelliste
Le peintre fabuliste Fritzner Lamour a fait le grand voyage . Le Nouvelliste
Jean-Jacques Dessalines dans l'imaginaire de nos créateurs . Le Nouvelliste
Tafa Mi-Soleil, éblouissante . Le Nouvelliste
Victime de «revenge porn», Tafa se montre forte face à l'adversité | Loop Haiti
Les Ateliers Authentiques: des créateurs plasticiens haïtiens exposent au Canada ! - Le National
Press Review - Bwa Kale
30 présumés membres du gang Gran grif tués dans l’Artibonite . Le Nouvelliste
Press Review - Insecurity
AlterPresse | Haïti-Criminalité : Plusieurs personnes tuées dans des représailles à Liancourt
Des hommes armés bloquent des routes pour réclamer le départ d’Henry | Loop Haiti
Bandi nan Kanaran anvayi Komin Sodo, maspinen popilasyon an epi boule Komisarya a – Centre à la UNE
Haïti : Les chefs de gangs décident de mettre fin à leurs activités criminelles - Scoop FM, 107.7
Press Review - Public Safety
La PNH veut consolider sa présence à Savane-Pistache . Le Nouvelliste
La PNH se dit à pied d’œuvre à Carrefour-Feuilles et à Vivy Mitchell | Loop Haiti
Lutte contre banditisme : la PNH dispose d’une nouvelle unité spécialisée - L'exclusivité
Press Review - Justice
Comment des blessés par balle finissent en prison en Haïti - Ayibopost
AlterPresse | Haïti-Criminalité : Les États-Unis annoncent des restrictions de visa contre cinq personnes supplémentaires
Certification des magistrats: l'OPC et le HCDH demandent au CSJP d'octroyer le droit de recours aux juges non certifiés - Le National
Press Review - Gender and Women's Rights
presented by KAY FANM
Qui est Wideline Pierre, la seule femme des 9 personnalités haïtiennes interdites de fouler le sol dominicain ? - Dofen News
Ligue des nations féminine : deux arbitres haïtiennes sélectionnées - Dofen News
Thòya, un modèle d'engagement pour la relève de l'agriculture en Haïti - Mus'Elles
Grand’Anse : Environ 457 femmes et filles victimes de viol et d’autres formes de violence, selon une enquête réalisée par l’OPC - L'exclusivité
Press Review - Governance
Le Premier Ministre haïtien à l'ONU : “Une semaine fatigante mais productive pour résoudre la crise et pacifier Haïti" - Scoop FM, 107.7
Ariel Henry rencontre Justin Trudeau, trois hommes d’affaires sanctionnés . Le Nouvelliste
Gang Ayisyen yo Mande pou Ranvèse PM Ariel Henry sou Pouvwa a - VOA
Entretien Ariel Henry et Justin Trudeau - L'exclusivité
Press Review - Economy
De 46, 4% en mai, l’inflation passe à 43,9% en juin et à 39,8% en juillet 2023 . Le Nouvelliste
Pénurie de produits alimentaires - METROPOLE
AlterPresse | Haïti-Corruption : Le Canada sanctionne les hommes d’affaires Marc Antoine Acra, Carl Braun et Jean-Marie Vorbe
Press Review - Environment
Haïti - Environnement : Signature d'un protocole d'accord entre l'OPC et Impulse Webmédias - HaitiLibre.com

Press Review - Strikes/Demonstrations
Carrefour-Feuilles : manifestation des déplacés - Le National
Marche pacifique contre l’insécurité à Port-au-Prince . Le Nouvelliste
Manifestan Ayiti Pwoteste Kont PM Ariel Henry Devan LONU - VOA
Press Review - Society
4,35 millions d'Haïtiens en insécurité alimentaire, modeste réduction en août 2023 . Le Nouvelliste
Êtes-vous pour ou contre l'envoi en Haïti d'une force armée multinationale ? . Le Nouvelliste
"Back home, most of our national schools are in a pitiful state. Yet what we should know is that a national school, a high school, is the image of a state and those who run it."
Excerpt from The dead end of the school year for parents
Editorial in Le National by Gary Victor (September 20, 2023)
Press Review - Education
Ouverture des classes: une rentrée progressive - Le National
Université Laval-AÉHUL : Lancement d’une bourse d’excellence et d’implication étudiante . Le Nouvelliste
Inauguration de l'école nationale Maingrette à Vieux-Bourg d'Aquin . Le Nouvelliste
Au moins 500 élèves recensés dans un seul centre d'hébergement - Le National
Press Review - Health
Santé: Qu'est-il advenu de la coopération cubaine en Haïti ? . Le Nouvelliste
Press Review - International
André François Giroux succède à Sébastien Carrière à l’ambassade du Canada en Haïti . Le Nouvelliste
Haïti et le Kenya établissent des relations diplomatiques . Le Nouvelliste
Haïti - Coopération : Promesses de la Corée du Sud - HaitiLibre.com
« Nous voulons renforcer et développer la coopération sportive avec Haïti », déclare l'ambassadeur cubain Carlos Moya Ramos - Le National
ONU: Ariel Henry fixe ses priorités à la réunion de haut niveau du Groupe consultatif ad hoc sur Haïti . Le Nouvelliste
"We're talking less and less about multinational forces and more about the Mission multinationale de soutien à la sécurité d'Haïti. Another small step towards materializing support for the PNH."
Excerpt from Small steps towards a Multinational Security Support Mission for Haiti
Editorial in Le Nouvelliste by Frantz Duval (September 21, 2023)
Press Review - UN General Assembly
Haïti - Canada : Le Premier Ministre Trudeau évoque des contributions à hauteur de 74 millions - HaitiLibre.com
Les États-Unis promettent 100 millions de dollars et des équipements pour la mission multinationale de sécurité . Le Nouvelliste
La Communauté internationale entre tergiversations et promesses - Le National
Le Kenya appelle l’ONU à préparer d’urgence un cadre adéquat pour sa mission en Haïti - Scoop FM, 107.7
Press Review - Dominican Republic
Prezidan Dominiken an Luis Abinader chita pale ak prezidan peyi Kenya a sou fòs miltinasyonal Ayiti a – Centre à la UNE
Haïti - FLASH Diaspora haïtienne : Plus de 1,6 milliard de dollars US envoyé de la Rép. Dominicaine en Haïti - HaitiLibre.com
Haïtiens en République dominicaine entre insécurité et discrimination - Le National
Press Review - Migration/Travel
iciHaïti - îles Turques et Caïques : Interception de 156 boat people haïtien
Un arrêté d'expulsion pris à l'encontre de l'américain Robert Nutter | Loop Haiti
Photojournalists : Francillon Laguerre, Sonson Thelusma, Andoo Lafond, Milot Andris, Patrick Payin
Editorial committee : Etienne Côté-Paluck, Jean Elie Fortiné, Jean-Paul Saint-Fleur
Interns : Wilky Andris, Donley Jean Simon
Special collaboration : Mateo Fortin Lubin, Jéthro-Claudel Pierre Jeanty, Jean Ernst Nicollas, Lubin Brenel
Media partners : Centre à la Une, Nord-Est Info
Institutional partners : Kay Fanm, Mouka.ht
How Does Your Contribution Help?
Your monthly support helps finance production and pay DÈYÈ MÒN ENFO's collaborators in the communes of Cité-Soleil, Port-au-Prince and Cayes-Jacmel. In addition, donations are regularly distributed for medical expenses, school fees and other emergencies in these communities.